Owner Info
Owner References
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Under Construction

Condo Documents

Declaration of Condominium    
AmendmentsBetterment Guidelines
Amendments 2002Expense Reimbursement Template
Maine Condominium Act

Owner Responsibilities

Providing the Property Manager with the Rental Agreement and Rules & Regulations documents in advance of their arrival
Making arrangements for their unit to be cleaned and inspected for damage between each rental
Ensuring the propane tank has adequate fuel for their renter. If a renter depletes the tank, the owner will make arrangements for them to refill the tank and reimburse them as appropriate.
Handling all repairs or replacement of necessities which may arrive during a renter's stay.   

NOTE: A fee will be assessed for any issues with which the Property Manager is asked to assist and the amount of the fee will be determined by the Executive Board based on the issue.
Making sure smoke detectors are properly installed and in working order.  For units with propane heating or cooking units, a carbon monoxide detector is also required.

Owners must park in their designated spaces. Each unit has two parking spaces. One-bedroom units, unit 51 and the office park side-by-side, all other units park tandem. For those units with tandem parking, if an oversized vehicle prevents the placement of a second vehicle safely in the space, the site manager reserves the right to disallow the additional parking space.

No parking on the road at anytime.  


In addition to the assigned owner parking spots, there are ten reserved parking spaces to be used for overflow parking for owners and their guest. The site manager assigns these parking spaces. Unauthorized cars will be towed at owner's expense.
Owners and their guests are allowed the use of motorcycles when operated in a safe and quiet manner and the owner is on the premises.


The speed limit is 5 mph for the safety of our community.  One-way traffic is strictly enforced.  


Unit owners should notify the site manager when expecting guests and of their guests' arrivals.   


Owners are responsible for carrying the minimum amount of Property and Liability Insurance as outlined in the By Laws. 

The Gray Gull Cottage Condominium Association is responsible for fixed items only. The insured amount is determined based on the condition of the property at the time it was purchased. Owners are responsible for increasing their individual insurance as appropriate to cover any improvements they have made since the purchase date.  

Only unit owners are allowed pets that must be leashed at all times. Dog owners are to abide by the York Leash Law including picking up after their dog.   


All trash must be bagged, tied, and disposed of properly and placed in the dumpster. Do not leave trash outside the dumpster. Receptacles are available for recycling. Construction materials are strictly prohibited.   


Please be considerate of those who use our Laundromat by promptly removing clothes from washer and dryers after the cycle has been completed. Do not overload washers, as they will overflow.

Children are not allowed to hang out in the laundry room.   


Children under 10 years old must be supervised. 

Wrestling and rough play is forbidden. Ball playing is allowed in the field behind units 45-50 from 9 a.m - 9 p.m.  Only whiffle ball or Nerf balls may be used to avoid property damage and under no circumstances should the property owned by Units 45-50 should be moved without the owner's prior consent.

No tree climbing.

Bicycles and scooters are allowed on the road provided children under the age of 16 are wearing a helmet. No bike riding is permitted between the units. The site manager reserves the right to restrict bicycling privileges to anyone who fails to maintain control of the bike, travels at an excessive speed or endangers the public safety.


Please do the following to maintain the integrity of the plumbing system:

1     Put baskets or strainers in sink drains to catch food scraps and other solids, empty into trash for disposal.
2Pour grease and oil into a can for disposal. Not down the sink or into toilets.
3Please use toilets for there intended use. Only toilet paper when flushing. No tampons, diapers, etc.
4Shut off all lights and heating units when not in use.
5Please turn off all faucets when not in use.
6All units should be equipped with working smoke detectors. Inform the site manager is this is not the case.
7Contact site manager if any problems within the unit and he will determine if owner needs to be contacted.


The site manager will issue a verbal warning along with an explanation of the rules to anyone in violation of the Rules and Regulations. If the problem persists, the site manager will contact the unit owner for mediation. If the problem still persists the Executive Board will be notified and will solicit input from all parties involved and seek mediation. The Executive Board reserves the right to eject any individual(s) for cause from the site.


Failure of unit owners to properly disclose the Rules & Regulations to their family and guest and/or renters and their guest prior to them arriving on site, and/or to outside agencies used to secure tenants, does not waive any provisions of said Rules & Regulations.

When a conflict of interest exists, the Rules & Regulations supersedes any understandings and/or contractual agreements unit owners have with outside agencies used to secure tenants. It is the responsibility of the unit owner to provide the outside agency and their clients with a copy of the Rules & Regulations.

In an effort to protect the assets of the Association and its owners and to respect the right of people to peaceful enjoyment of the property, the Gray Gull Executive Board reserves the right to inform the Gray Gull owners of any individual(s) who willfully destroys private property, and/or violates the terms of the Rules & Regulations, and/or is disruptive to the detriment of those who occupy the premises.

Illegal activity such as underage drinking and drug use will not be tolerated under any circumstances and will be reported to the proper authorities.

All renters will sign a disclosure that they understand the rules of the Gray Gull and the possible ramifications for failure to abide by them, including termination of their stay on the premises.